Friday, June 27, 2008

To St. Thomas Aquinas

My grandfather was talking, the other day, about how few people realize how many great and wonderful people came out of the Church. This sonnet to one of them blossomed from that conversation.

O Thomas, you did never doubt at all
The truths God gave to you to understand;
You wrote with skill and wisdom at His call
And He did guide your never-faltering hand.
You spoke but seldom, so men called you dumb -
Not one to waste your breath on useless speech;
But when at need you spoke with great wisdom,
Albert did say your words all men would reach!
You wrote of God, Whom you did love so well;
You wrote for God, and thus so well did write,
Since He gave you the grace His truths to tell,
And made you wise enough to choose aright -
So when He asked, "What wouldst thou have of Me?"
You answered, bold and wise - "Lord, only Thee!"

--June 25, 2008

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