Saturday, February 28, 2009

Audi, Benigne Conditor

I think it's fitting to begin my Lenten posts with my translation of the beautiful Lent hymn, Audi Benigne Conditor. The original Latin (as well as tons of other awesome hymns with verse-translations of varying literality) can be found here:

O merciful Creator, hear
The prayers we offer tearfully,
Poured out as we, these forty days,
Fast and abstain repentantly.

O thou who readest every heart,
Thou knowest all our strength is vain;
Grant then the grace of pardon to
The souls who turn to thee again.

Much we have sinned, indeed, but still,
Have mercy on our sins confessed
And for the glory of thy name
Give fainting souls thy healing blest.

Grant us to wear away our flesh
Beneath the burden of our fast
That thus our guilty, sinning hearts
Their load of crime away may cast.

Grant us, O blessed Trinity,
And simple Unity, concede,
From this thy fast of forty days,
May many fruits for us proceed.


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