Saturday, November 24, 2007

a new poem

I wrote this a couple of days ago, and thought the readers of the Lily might find it amusing. Here goes:

Proposal and Refusal, a dialogue.

He:My dearest dear, I'll tell you true,
I'm getting very fond of you.
Each day I love you more and more,
And better than the day before;
I love upon your face to look
And just adore the way you cook,
And so I would delighted be
If you, my dear, would marry me.

She: My dearest boy, I must confess,
I like you daily less and less!
You talk about your deeds all day
And never heed a word I say;
You eat my stews and soups and pies
But never praise my shining eyes,
So - though I hate to cause you woe -
The answer to your plea is No.

He: O love, I pray you reconsider,
My life without you will be bitter!
Your merry laugh I'll sorely miss,
Your rosy lips I fain would kiss,
Your sea-blue eyes I'd ever praise
All through our happy married days,
And looking on your golden hair
My joy would be beyond compare.

She: O go away and leave me be!
You'll nothing gain by flattering me.
My hair is red, as any fire
(Except your "burning" heart's desire),
My eyes are green, if you would look
Instead of talking like a book;
O blind and foolish, go - adieu!
Be sure I'll never marry you!

He: Alas, alack, O woe is me!
O maiden full of cruelty!
Without you I will surely die -
She: O, you would do so by and by,
In any case! Now go away!
I'm sick of you, you popinjay!
Your suit is cold, and so are you;
Begone, you horrid thing - adieu!


__ said...

¡¡Así no vas a conseguir novio, nena!!

En definitiva, lo único que le preocupa a los hombres es que las mujeres cocinen bien. Y tienen razón.

La culpa es de tu papá, que en vez de mandarlas a hacer cursos de cocina y frivolité con naveta, las manda a esos lugares de perdición, como salamanca y todo lo demás.

Agnes Regina said...

Ja... no dije que era yo la dama... simplemente estaba recordandoles a los caballeros que tienen que pensar en algo mas que la comida, tio querido....

Agnes Regina said...

P.D.: la ultima vez que mire en el espejo, no era pelirroja de ojos verdes... :p

stick-figure-girl said...

tienen que poner mas en este blog....

stick-figure-girl said...

all you post is poetry... which is fine, but i propose a new name....
"The Steel Poet"

Agnes Regina said...

Oh, shut it, Maria.